Information Systems, Embedded Systems and Intelligent Applications (ISESIA)

The International Conference on Information Systems, Embedded Systems and Intelligent Applications (ISЕSIA) is organized by Department of Computer Informatics of Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics – Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski and Bulgarian Chapter of the Association for Information Systems -BulAIS.

In 2024, International Workshop Data Processing in Information Systems, Embedded Systems and Intelligent Applications – DPISESIA 2024 will be held on November 13-15 in Sofia. The Workshop will be organized as a part of the International Conference DIGILIENCE 2024 .


The Workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners to present recent developments around data modeling, security and privacy data issues, data analytics, and machine learning algorithms. Proceedings shall be submitted to for online publication.

DPISESIA 2024 Scope and Topics

  • Data Science and Machine Learning
  • Data Quality and Security
  • Emerging Topics and Technologies in System Design

Important Dates

Important dates: Paper Submission:
31 March 2024
20 April
Authors Notification:
30 April 2024
05 May
Final Paper Submission and Registration:
12 May 2024
14 May
22 May 2024